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Porsche Servicing & Restoration

In this midweek newsletter, we thought you’d like a little behind the scenes action of our workshops.

Pete will take you through the servicing workshop, showing some of the detail you may not have seen before, such as our MOT test bay, inspections, servicing, and diagnostics. This will be followed by Adrian taking you through the classic servicing & restoration workshop.

As ever, we’re uncovering these areas with no holds barred, so head over now and watch the video.

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A visit from Design 911

Design 911 came to visit and here's the 'fly on the wall' video with Adrian.
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How to Choose a Restoration Partner.

This guide will help you in choosing a restoration partner, and applies if you are seeking a full restoration, bespoke build, major repairs, or major modifications.

Fill in your e-mail to receive our free guide.