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Customer Testimonial from David Phelps

David’s Journey with Williams Crawford

I have worked with Anthony at Williams Crawford for over 30 years, and he has helped to source or sell over 100 cars including a recent purchase of a new Macan, and previously a new Targa 992.

Anthony and the team at Williams Crawford also assist with making the process straightforward, so I don’t need to worry. I trust them and this is built up over many dealings and with a genuine customer led approach.

Having the knowledge and contacts in the motor trade are certainly invaluable in sourcing and selling the right car.

David Phelps – Triton Galleries & Surridge Gallery Owner

Introducing David Phelps – Triton Galleries & Surridge Gallery Owner

We have customers throughout the world, and some of these are located in the most beautiful areas of the UK. If you find yourself in Torquay or Dartmouth why not take a visit Trition Galleries or the Surridge Gallery when in Taunton.

With all three galleries stocking both originals and prints from a number of national and worldwide artists, with a diverse collection ranging from traditional artist L S Lowry to the American street artist Mr Brainwash, to name a few (see examples above).

If the distance is too far the galleries also have excellent websites where you can view and enquire about the pieces at either: in Torquay and Dartmouth or in Taunton.

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